Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Blogging for SEOContest2008

What is blogging? This word is nowadays is getting famous and draws the attention of many people. When I first heard of this word, I actually don’t have any idea at all. The word sounds unfamiliar and it irritates my ears. I felt ashame of myself when a friend of mine once asked me that word. He asked me if I do blogging since I have my own website. I did not realize that what I am actually doing in my site is already about blogging. Blogging is not just writing what you think or thing what you would like to say, but it is all about expressing your emotion with feelings and most especially, BLOGGING is PASSION as what my friend used to tell me.

Today, since I already knew what blogging is all about, I can do many things about it. I am now actually using it for the newly launched SEOContest2008 in UK. This is actually my first time to join this kind of contest though my friends used to participate and have already won. My JRSEOContest2008 blog is my official blog for the SEOContest2008 brought to us by UK Webmaster World SEO Contest.

I actually name my entry blog as JRSEOContest2008 for the SEOContest2008 because I know that I am still a novice when it comes to SEOContest2008. I still have to learn much things about SEO and how to generate more traffic on my site. I am still, and I agree that I need to learn more for the SEOContest2008.

I know that in the SEOContest2008, there are many participants whom already won many contest similar to this. Though I know that I am competing with many SEO geeks, I stil believe in what my mentor has told me, it is about the “First Timer’s Luck.” Who knows, with this SEOContest2008, I can be on top of the others. That is how optimistic I am when it comes to the SEOContest2008.

Everyday, every hour, I always check on my status. I am always turning on my computer and search the internet using the keyword SEOContest2008 whether my blog is on the first 5 pages of the popular search engines. Well, I happy that after 3 days of registering my JRSEOContest2008 blog for the SEOContest2008, I remain on page 5 so far. I don’t know if this will drop, will remain as it is, or it will go up. This SEOContest2008 is really challenging to me as a blogger. I hope that I will do better that seeing my JRSEOContest2008 blog for the SEOContest2008 and not by simply remaining in page 5.

PRIDE and HONOR on the SEOContest2008

It is nearly 3:00 in the morning and my eye lids slowly close down little by little but I am still trying to fight it just to make my blog a competitive like the other blogs which were also registered in the UK’s recently launched Search Engine Optimization Contest or more popularly known as SEOContest2008.

Well, honestly, this is my first time to join the contest. I have been observing my friends, Gio and Philip joining different contest in the country and also watch them receive their awards winning home as champions. I am also aiming for that and I am still optimistic that I will be learning something in this SEOContest2008.

But, perhaps some may ask what will be the prize when someone wins the competition. For me, the best answer I could give is that, in this SEOContest2008, it is not actually the money which is important. What matter most is the experience and learning you will get upon participating on the aforementioned activity. This will give us (we the contestants), a chance to broaden our ideas and widen our imaginations by trying to figure out on how to optimize our website using the keyword given. At the same time, PRIDE and HONOR is priceless. That would probably be the main goal of every participants like me to have.

I know that there are tough competitors who already have their experiences but I will still stick on my belief, that nothing is impossible as long as you believe that you can do it. Anyway, to us believers and achievers, impossible is not part in our dictionary list.

So, to my fellow participants, I wish you all good luck and see you around. Make your best on the SEOContest2008.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

A Salute To A Friend

How will you call someone when he/she thinks of something, impossible is not a word that hinders him/her to stop and reach for what he/she crave for. It is hard to find word which will describe this kind of person. Perhaps, I too is having difficulties on how to describe myself to others because I am also the same person I am describing.

I know a person which has the same traits as mine. He, I should say, used to be an ordinary person but full of dreams and creative imaginations. I know him since I was still in college and he was also in the same school I was at. He is simple, talks very soft and friendly which kept him gained more friends. He was then fond of computers as he took IT incline degree and he was already a geek even when on his first year of school.

Today, with the knowledge nurtured in him, he recently joined the Philippine SEOContest2008 and emerged as the Champion. He has been competing in some SEO contests in the country for the past previous years and he was also a runner up on every contest he participated. I am referring to a friend of mine, the one who taught me how make money online, the one who gave me my very first website, and the one who told me to participate in the SEOContest2008 in UK. He is no other that MR. PHILIP TIANGSON, the winner of the Philippine SEOContest2008.

A very BIG thanks to you my FRIEND. Good luck to you and more blessings to come.

Monday, February 11, 2008

The Nature of Schizophrenizia

Despite the fact that schizophrenia has been known under one or another name for centuries, the nature of the disorder even at the descriptive level remains in no small measure yet to be determined. It is true that there is a voluminous literature describing the multifarious deviations from psychologic normality and no small number of publications dealing with organic variations. But the question is still open as to which of the deviations are essentially characteristic of the psychosis.

In the picture as presented by the patient we have to deal with pathologic phenomena of several different categories. The abnormalities may comprise the effects of bad hygiene, the effects of habituation, the effects arising primarily out of the fundamental cause or causes of the disorder and the defects arising from secondary operations of the primary causal factors. The need remains for an adequate definition of the psychosis. This definition should, of course, delimit it from all other disorders; it should be broad enough to include all of the subvarieties; it should include none but characteristic attributes. The literature on schizophrenia as now available, while profuse in qualitative material, is defective in its content of accurate quantitative information.

But an even more significant defect is the lack of homogeneity of the data as they exist. These data have been obtained by many investigators using different techniques on a variety of patients living under dissimilar environmental conditions. They are of correspondingly limited utility for the purpose even of formulating a technically satisfactory definition. In large part they are entirely unusable for the type of studies of correlation that is needed for the analysis of the problem as a problem. There is need, then, for the collection of an extensive body of descriptive data on a fairly large number of patients studied under uniform conditions. While it is true, as has been emphasized elsewhere, that the mere enumeration of traits is a research method of strictly limited utility, it is likewise true that attempts to carry out research on a problem that has not been accurately set are likely to result in numerous ineptitudes.

However, even at the descriptive level, certain substantial accomplishments can be hoped for. At this level can be studied the question as to whether schizophrenia represents a disease entity or whether, like fever or headache, it might as well represent a variety of essentially different disorders. The detection of disease entities has not infrequently been accomplished at this level. For example, myxedema was so discovered. In principle, this sort of discovery amounts to the detection of consistent syndromes.

Hypnosis is as Old as Man

The chronicle of hypnosis is as archaic as the human species. Even the most primal savages were aware of this astounding psychological demonstration, and it was used in the mystical celebrations of their socerers to produce panic and increase conviction in the paranormal and the occult. With this long-lasting record of magic and mysticism, it is not shocking that the general public point of view toward hypnosis has been and still is one of antipathy, misapprehension and fear.

The initial scientific beginnings in the consideration of hypnosis began with Anton Mesmer in 1775, from whose name originates the term mesmerism which is still in modern usage. Mesmer`s utilization of hypnosis commenced with his finding that particular types of medical patients responded to arm stroking and sleep suggestions. Mesmer referenced these medicative results to the `quality` of `animal magnetism`, and he came up with a hypothesis that animal magnetism was some inexplicable and peculiar cosmic fluid with restorative qualities.

Notwithstanding Mesmer`s exceptional intuitive knowledge of clinical psychology, he had no distinct apprehension of the psychological constitution of his therapy. Nonetheless, he medicated large numbers of patients effectively on whom traditional medical procedures had failed. Unfortunately, his extreme personality and enigmatic peculiarity of his therapy brought him inordinately to disrespect despite the fact that lots of physicians visited his clinic throughout the peak of his success to study the important lessons in the mystic art of psychotherapy, specifically, the importance of clinical psychology.

Since Mesmer there has been a succession of marvelous men who became interested in hypnosis and implemented it effectively in medical purposes, entrusting it an progressively more scientific basis and legality. Elliotson, the first man in England to use the stethoscope, got interested in hypnosis about 1817, used it suitably, and left outstanding written material of its remedial effect in specific cases. Esdaille, moved by Elliotson`s case reports, became an devoted advocate of mesmerism, as it was then called,
and truly succeeded in interesting the British government in modeling a hospital in
India, where he used it thoroughly on all categories of medical patients, leaving a lot of excellent manuscripts of major and minor surgery done under hypnotic anesthesia.

The initiation of a psychological conception of the phenomenon began in 1841 with James Braid, primarily an opponent and then later a most enthusiastic reviewer and supporter. It was he who made up the idiom hypnosis, pointed to the psychological framework of hypnotic sleep, and addressed a lot of its manifestations, brainstorming methods whereby to assess their strength.

Feeling stuck? Five tips to help you get unstuck and back on track!

Staying self-motivated is a challenge for many; requiring decisions and action to sustain momentum and when people feel stuck, they feel stressed, frustrated and angry (often at themselves!) because they are not where they want to be in their business or personal life. You might wonder how people can lose steam in moving forward on an idea they were initially enthusiastic and pumped about.

There are 5 key reasons people get stuck, they are:

1. Lack clarity about what they want. Inability to articulate and describe it.

Have you ever found it difficult to put into words what you really want? Have you seriously thought about what you really want? Do you have a sense of what you want, but lack the words to fully describe it? Trying to figure out the “it”?

Tip: You might be stuck because you lack a strong desire for what you say you want. Put your attention on what you really want rather than what you think you should want. Create a picture of what you want your life to look like - write it as a story, paint a picture, create a vision board or collage to capture your heart. Reflect back over your life when you were the happiest for clues. What excites you and evokes your passion? What are your core values?

2. Negative inner thoughts.

Self-talk (the things we tell ourselves inside our heads) has a powerfull impact on our ability to assess situations realistically. So often when people get caught up in anticipating what may or may not happen, they lose perspective. Our minds can sift through facts and information that lead to practical choices of action, or scare, confuse and overwhelm us so that we come to a full stop. Fear and negative thinking are two HUGE reasons so many people get stuck or confused.

Tip: Begin to observe your self talk and identify which ones are supportive or unsupportive. Actively begin to challenge your thinking so that you can separate the “stories you imagine” and the reality (facts) of “what is.” Changing beliefs is a process that takes time and is more successful with professional help.

3. Disconnection from heart and spirit.

You lack trust in yourself, the experience, or God (whatever you call your spiritual connections). Do you ever get a gut feeling or strong sense inside about what decision is right for you? Do you follow your gut or override your instincts? If you have followed your heart in the past, how did things turn out?

Tip: Practice meditation regularly to quiet the mind and go within to reconnect with your spirit. Pay attention to your gut instinct; the sensations or inner knowing you sense at different times. If you’ve followed your instincts in the past, write down what happened. They are usually great success stories to remember. If you’re first developing your “trust muscle”, look for opportunities to listen and follow your gut. Be open and flexible to what happens next.

4. Too many options become overwhelming and confusing.

It’s great to have a myriad of choices, isn’t it? Having so many options can be a double-edged sword. On the one hand, having many choices expands the possibilities. On the other, having too many options may not only cause confusion (What do I choose?); it also allows self-doubt and distrust to creep in.

Tip: Look back over your answer to #1 for clarity and focus. Ask yourself if the options move you toward what you desire or away.

5. Other people’s opinions.

We can be enormously influenced by the opinions of others. Feeling stressed, overwhelmed, or having low self-esteem and low self-confidence makes people more susceptible to the influence of others. In that way, people give away their power. Inner conflict and fear can cause procrastination and self-sabotage.

Tip: Be selective about your circle of friends, colleagues, and networking community. If family influence is a negative, choose to share less and set boundaries on conversations. Surrounding yourself with people who lift your spirits and bring out your best will keep you moving forward.

One last tip:

Write up a list of actions you will take when you find yourself getting stuck. You might call it your “Breaking Free Formula.” View this list as a living document that continues to grow so that it becomes an empowering resource for you in any situation. Include people, things and activities that energize, nurture, and boost you – body, mind, and spirit. Keep this list visible in your home and office.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Jammers Watch and Learn!

Hello Jammers Welcome watch and learn bro! Enjoy!

Give Peace on Earth, Oh yeah!

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